Short Description:
- Physical:
- Density: 1.30
- Bulk Density:
- Mold Shrinkage (Machine Direction): 0.20
- Mold Shrinkage (Transverse Direction): 0.60
- Mold Shrinkage:
- Melt Flow Rate (337℃. 6.7Kg):
- Melt Flow Rate (316℃. 5Kg):
- Melt Flow Rate:
- Melt Viscosity (380℃.77HZ):
- Particle size (D50):
- Water Absorption (23°C-sat):
- Water Absorption (24h @23°C): 0.03
- Flammability(1.6 mm):
- Ash Content:
- Moisture Content:
- Volatile:
- Mechanical :
- Tensile Stress at Break (5 mm/min): 60
- Tensile Modulus at Break (1 mm/min): 2.20
- Elongation at Break (23℃): 8.0
- Flexural Modulus at Break (23℃): 2.30
- Flexural Strength at Break: 95
- Charpy Impact Strength @23℃ (V-notched): 6.0
- Charpy Impact Strength @-30℃ (V-notched):
- Unnotched Charpy Impact Strength @23℃: /
- Co-eff.of Friction, Static/Dynamic: /
- Thermal :
- Melting Temperature (10°C/min): 280
- Melting Point:
- Heat Deflection Temp. High Load (1.8 MPa): 100
- Coeff. Of Linear Them. Expansion (parallel): 0.40
- Coeff. Of Linear Them. Expansion (normal): 0.50
- Flammability (0.3 mm): V-0
- Flammability (3.0 mm): V-0
- Glass Transition (Tg):
- Melt Flow Rate (380℃, 5kg):
- Thermal expansion coefficient (T<Tg) along flow:
- Thermal expansion coefficient (T>Tg) along flow:
- Thermal expansion coefficient (T<Tg) across flow:
- Thermal expansion coefficient (T>Tg) across flow:
- Thermal expansion coefficient (T<Tg):
- Thermal expansion coefficient (T>Tg):
- Thermal conductivity (23℃):
- Electrical Properties:
- Dielectric Strength (60*60*1mm³): 24
- Relative Permittivity (100Hz&1MHz): 30
- Dissipation Factor (100Hz&1MHz): 0.002
- Dielectric Strength:
- Relative Permittivity (4 GHz):
- Dissipation Factor (4 GHz):
- Volume Resistivity: 10^13
- Surface Resistivity: 10^15
- CTI:
- Typical Processing Conditions:
- Drying Temp. / Time: 80℃&5h
- Injection Pressure: 30-100
- Injection Speed:
- Injection Molding Melt Temp.: 290-330
- Injection Molding Mold Temp.: 120-160
- Extrsuion/Blow Molding Melt Temp.:
- Temperature Settings:
- Hopper Temperature:
- Gate:
- Process Temperature: